What is it

cassie-harper-ervin-malcolmROCK THE LOBSTER is a voluntary group seeking to promote all performing arts (including: live music performers, poets, magicians, dancers, etc.) in Sheringham and Cromer via Open Mic sessions. We aim to give performers a chance to demonstrate and develop their talents and to give novices and a go. Ideally this will enable performers to gain experience, improve their skills and, perhaps most importantly, enjoy themselves! If there is a demand we hope to stage workshops in the future. You will find us on Facebook here.

Evenings are for acoustic/semi performers and bands (including drums, bass, electric guitar etc.) may also come. Poetry,  comedy and other performing arts may also be on show.

An audience is an essential part of the RtL experience. Not only will you be entertained, but there is Free Entry and a bar.

We rely completely on the goodwill of YHA Sheringham (thank you YHA and staff and Cromer Community Centre) who provides our venues free of charge and we need your help and support to keep Rock the Lobster going.

Any money we raise goes to our running costs of advertising and maintaining our music equipment. In addition we support the Sheringham Carnival and Blue Pits Housing Action charities.

Should we ever have excess money we intend to invest it in more equipment for Rock The Lobster, Rock the Lobster projects (i.e. an album of local performers and original songs) or to donate to local needy causes in Sheringham, and Blue Pits Housing Action in Rochdale.

We proudly support the Sheringham Carnival and Blue Pits Housing Action charities.

Having said that, we do this mainly because we enjoy it.


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Providing a platform for live music and other performers in and around Sheringham & Cromer, Norfolk
