
We support three charities…

Blue Pits Housing Action (BPHA)

The team at Blue Pits Housing Action provides alternative support solutions to people with learning disabilities and mental health needs. Promoting well-being lies at the heart of their ethos, and they deliver this through bespoke support and accommodation packages that are developed to meet the unique needs of tenants and their support teams. This may involve shared accommodation, supported living or single tenancies.

They provide a range of social care activities to our service users, reducing the likelihood of them requiring more costly acute care services by supporting their emotional and psychological needs. Our services are orientated towards enablement, recovery, diversity and social inclusion, and we include carers and families by reflecting and respecting their values and beliefs.

Everyone at Blue Pits Housing Action is treated with care, respect and dignity and is allowed to live as independently as possible in their own home, with every individual treated as such and provided with the highest-quality care and support.

They enable people to make positive lifestyle changes by providing opportunities for them to achieve their potential and enjoy themselves. Levels of antisocial behaviour and reoffending are reduced and support is given to people struggling with alcohol and drugs problems, while reintegration into society is promoted.

Regular activity sessions and assistance into vocational and voluntary work helps our service users make positive changes to their lives and supports their mental and physical health and wellbeing. They promote healthy eating and exercise, providing close support and supervision to our service users so they can take advantage of everything BPHA has to offer.

Youth Hostel Association (YHA)

As a registered charity YHA (England and Wales) relies on help from members and donors to support the work they do. A lot of the work they do aims to enhance the lives of young people through experiences and opportunities.

With your help disadvantaged young people continue to benefit, gaining confidence and self awareness whilst learning new skills. They also work with the Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence to run FAB camps offering support to bereaved service families bringing them together with others who have faced loss.

Donations, legacies and grants also help keep our hostels up to standard so we can deliver great experiences and a warm welcome.

The Sheringham Carnival


Providing a platform for live music and other performers in and around Sheringham & Cromer, Norfolk
